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Photo of Della Davids
Remembering the Life Of

Della Davids

March 22, 1920 - April 15, 2024

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Memory of Della Davids


Here's a photo of two postcards Della sent from travels.

Shared by theresa bries

Tonight, I began thinking about Della, realizing that I had forgotten to send her a birthday card.....When I was a student at the University of Iowa, I worked with her in Burge Cafeteria. We kept up a correspondence over many years, especially sending postcards on travels....and travel, Della did! She had her favorite annual camp, but also saw much of the world. I still have cookie sheets and muffin tins that she gave me in 1985 for a shower gift. They were pre-owned, and now I wonder if Della was one of the original dumpster divers, finding treasure in what students were tossing as they moved out each May. At some point, she returned to me all the photos of my children that I had sent over the years. In 2012 or 13, I ran into her in downtown Iowa City. I wasn't sure that she recognized me, but she told me that she was moving in Kanawha. I'll remember her always. Theresa

Shared by theresa bries

Aunt Della was a GREAT source of the family history. Was told she was self-taught on the piano. If so she was great.

Shared by mark davids

I am sorry for your loss. I became acquainted with Della years ago when she would come into Mercy Hospital in Iowa City to eat. During one of our conversations I mentioned to her that my 4-H club collected pop tabs and had a competition with other Clubs in our county. Bless her hearts, she would take the tabs off the cans she collected and she even went to Hy-Vee and took the tabs off cans as people were brining them in to be recycled! The last count I have was 12.5 pounds!

Shared by janet driscoll