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Photo of Dennis Threlkeld

Dennis Threlkeld

August 27, 1942 - April 28, 2024

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Memory of Dennis Threlkeld


I'm sorry to hear of your dad's passing. He and I were high school classmates and went through the Scouting program together becoming Eagle Scouts at the same time. I'd expect that he took the Scout Oath and Motto to heart and applied them in his life...a man of honor and intergrity who was a great dad and husband. I've attached a couple of photos. One is of him in the physics lab doing an extra credit project after school when we were seniors. The other is him and Carolyn at our 50th class reunion. May your memories of good times ease your pain of loss. Again, my condolences.

Shared by dave johnson on 5/12/2024 2:40 PM

I'm very sorry to learn of the passing of Dennis. From around 2000-2006 I was his PERSONAL Cellphone Salesman at Midwest Wireless. Any issues that he had, he would always ask for me. We often talked about the Scouting program as we were both Eagle Scouts. He was a great guy to work with and always very professional.

Shared by patrick palmer on 5/8/2024 5:17 AM

So sorry for your loss. I was a classmate of Dennis.

Shared by sandra jennings on 5/7/2024 12:02 AM

Dennis was one of my best friends in high school. I spent many evenings at his house studying for tests and playing canasta card game. High school math classes were sort of a disaster, because Denny would make funny faces and make me laugh, then I would get into trouble with the teacher!! I also remember a night Denny and I camped out on the island at Clear Lake. There was a wild party happening on the island so we stayed quiet and avoided any contact with them. After high school, Denny was taking flying lessons and one day I got to fly with him and the instructor. We had many other great times together, roller skating, ice skating, hiking, Boy Scouts. In 1967 I moved my family to Colorado and lost contact with Denny, only seeing him and Carolyn at one or two of our class reunions. We send our condolences to Dennis’ two daughters. Dale and Jan Sundeen

Shared by dale sundeen on 5/3/2024 8:20 PM