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Photo of Joanne A. Duncalf

Joanne A. Duncalf

10/24/1946 - 2/8/2024

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LeAnn - I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Shared by sue heistand on 2/15/2024 4:45 PM

I was one of her nurses. She was a sweet little lady.

Shared by anna on 2/15/2024 8:50 AM

Joanne and I have been email and phone friends since 2014 when she went to her 50th high school reunion. My husband, John Hotz, was her classmate and he thought we would be good friends, since we were both Catholic through and through. Joanne was a beautiful soul, so strong in her faith and trust in God. While she was going through her cancer treatments, she always told me that she would do whatever was asked of her and trusted in the doctors. I lost contact with her last year but will never forget our friendship. She kept me up to date about her children and grandkids and was so happy to wellcome the greatgrandson last year. My sadness is that is that I can never say "how are you feeling" as she answers "with my fingers". We laughed and prayed and I will never forget her.

Shared by kathy a hotz on 2/13/2024 2:23 PM

so sorry for your loss of such a special lady with a big smile. MAy she rest in peace! Worked with her at our Belmond Hospital.

Shared by mary on 2/10/2024 6:15 AM