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Photo of Robert H. Loux

Robert H. Loux

4/5/1942 - 5/13/2022

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The entire Loux family is in our continued thoughts and prayers. Psalm 30:5 Love, Derek, Holly, Bennett, and Keegan

Shared by derek steinbring on 5/21/2022 3:42 PM

Ellen, family and all....I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing my dad 2 years ago was one of the hardest moments in my life and I understand the fog that you're in. Please know that God is watching over you and embracing you today and always. Keep the memories alive with stories and pictures. :)

Shared by linda lewis on 5/17/2022 8:37 PM

I am so sorry to lose another longtime friend.

Shared by jean on 5/17/2022 7:29 PM

It is never easy to find the words to express our feelings when there are no words that can fully capture the depth of what we’re feeling. May the Lord bless you in this time of need. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." – John 14:27 Many blessings and prayers, Carol and Families

Shared by carol hoyt chantrill on 5/17/2022 6:31 PM

I went to country school with Bob and his sister and older brother at Lake No. 5 his aunt Sadie Kuhn was our teacher I did see him sing in the Choralaires

Shared by arlan stavnheim on 5/17/2022 6:19 PM

Our sincere condolences to all of Bob's family. We have many memories of our years together growing up in Clarion.

Shared by rich and pat meyer on 5/15/2022 3:50 PM

I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for you all.

Shared by jona mcgrath on 5/15/2022 6:54 AM

Our condolences to you, Connie, and your family. May God hold you in the palm of His hand while you grieve and heal.

Shared by jeri & jim richardson on 5/15/2022 5:00 AM

Our deepest sympathy to all of Bob's family. We remember him warmly from our years at Clarion. I remember singing with, Bob in the group 4 Hits and a Miss. Many fun times.

Shared by rich and pat meyer on 5/15/2022 4:20 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Family.

Shared by gloria fibikar holland on 5/15/2022 3:40 AM