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My deepest sympathy to Florine and family at this sad time. Ron was a wonderful person, and he will be missed by all who knew him. Besides all of his accomplishments, Ron was a friendly person and easy to talk to. A great guy - the kind of person we all enjoy knowing. My sister, Lana, and I had the privilege of riding with Ron from Illinois (after Arlan's wedding) back to Clarion. I don't recall the conversation but it was an enjoyable trip home!
Shared by karen stavnheim on 4/26/2022 7:38 PM
A tribute to Ron Swanson and his family, My deepest condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you. Ron, was certainly outstanding in his field, he readily practiced tilling his faith, family and progressive farming. May a green candle remind you of such positive dedication. Your wonderful family rightfully have many fond memories and blessing to share! Gods Peace be with each of you. Respectfully, Jurine Borton Moore PS I will send a donation to the Iowa 4-H Foundation in Ron’s memory.
Shared by jurine borton moore on 4/24/2022 8:17 AM
Dear Florine and family, Ann and I where very sad to hear the news of the passing of Ron. What a marvelous and successful life he had. His leadership will be greatly missed! We regret that we will not be able to make either the visitation or the funeral. I am not able to get around very good any more, so we do very little travel out of town. We will be thinking of you and praying for you during this loss. I will get you a card and a gift to Iowa State University for starting farmers soon.
Shared by jim and ann kuhlman on 4/23/2022 6:42 AM
Celebrating a blessed life.
Shared by m k litzel on 4/23/2022 5:35 AM
So sorry for your loss Florine and family. We hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
Shared by jim lewis on 4/22/2022 10:43 PM
What a wonderful and exemplary life Ron lived! Our sincere sympathies to all the family. His example of eduction, service to others through faith and farming will live on in the memory of those who knew him and beyond. A life well lived and loved. Vince and Ann Uthoff, Solon, Iowa
Shared by ann uthoff on 4/22/2022 9:40 PM
To the family of Ron you have our sincere sympathy with his passing. I had the privilege of knowing Ron in the 1990’s when he was on the Iowa Corn board and I was on the Iowa Soybean board, and currently serving with Stuart on the Iowa corn board I have enjoyed hearing about him with Stu. His involvement with 4-H, FFA, a life of farming , and supporting the Iowa State Cyclones are shared by my family also.
Shared by dennis and helen friest on 4/22/2022 6:42 AM
My deepest sympathy to Florine and the Swanson family. My late husband had a great deal of respect for Ron. I know he will be missed.
Shared by sonja hofmeister on 4/22/2022 5:21 AM
Joyce and family - My deepest sympathy for your loss of Ron. In recent years he was THE most helpful and concerned person who took the time and effort to help me with the best care of my family's graves in St. John's Cemetery. Other than phone conversations, I never met Ron, but he must have been a precious gem in the Swanson family. Our ALMIGHTY FATHER certainly ushered him into His mansion of many rooms.
Shared by henry sheffield on 4/22/2022 5:19 AM
Florine and sons, I am so sorry for your loss. I understand Ron suffered in his last days, and I am truly saddened. Ron was one of the finest individuals I ever worked with. When someone says, "salt of the earth", I think of Ron. Florine, the two of you made the perfect couple. I am convinced you were destined to live your lives together. And you two left your mark on friends, family, and community. Ron made everyone around him a better person to have known him. NO ONE ever questioned his integrity, honesty, character, love of family & friends, and Faith in Jesus Christ. While we have been separated over the years, I will forever hold a place in my heart for him. I look forward to seeing him again in a life ever after. Derryl & Carm McLaren
Shared by derryl mclaren on 4/22/2022 5:04 AM
My sympathies to the Swanson family. Remember Ron and his family hired a group of us high school girls to "walk beans" in the 1970's. A good summer job and he and his family were kind, and respectful of high school summer help. If you got to work for the Swansons, you were lucky. Prayers for comfort for all who mourn Ron. Nothing but fond memories of a great person and farmer. Joan Jensen (formerly Danker)
Shared by joan jensen on 4/22/2022 2:11 AM
Florine and family my deepest sympathies on Ron's passing. He was truly one of the finest people I've ever had the pleasure to work with. So enjoyed assisting his efforts with the Corn Growers. Always a positive outlook, Always kind with encouragement and thanks to share. I am Blessed to have crossed paths with Ron and a better person for the experience.
Shared by kevin vinchattle on 4/22/2022 2:05 AM
To all of the Swanson family: My sincere condolences on the death of Ron (Ronnie to me). He lived just up the road from me during my Iowa farm life and was the oldest of the neighbor kids. One of the things I remember most is how he and the older boys on the bus used to tickle us young girls. Those were the simple times. May he be doing the chores in heaven!
Shared by donna whitty monkelien on 4/22/2022 1:57 AM
Dear Florine, I remember going to Davenport with you and Ron... I am so sorry for your loss.
Shared by sue jorgensen on 4/22/2022 1:17 AM
I appreciated Ron's dedication to St. John's Cemetery. His grace, due diligence and expertise in the caretaking and financial reporting of the cemetery will always be appreciated. Penny Minnihan Archdiocese of Dubuque
Shared by penny minnihan on 4/22/2022 12:57 AM
Ron was one my best friends starting in Clarion High School And all through life including Iowa State He was a wonderful guy And I will miss him.
Shared by arlan stavnheim on 4/21/2022 10:38 PM
A beloved classmate.
Shared by shirley hiemstra on 4/21/2022 10:32 PM
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of Ron's family
Shared by ron & sandy sturgeon on 4/21/2022 10:17 PM
Our deepest sympathy to Florine and family. He fought the good fight. May God surround you with his peace.
Shared by maxine lampe on 4/21/2022 7:30 PM
There are no words at this time to ease your pain. Always know your dad was a hard working kind hearted man whom left love in each step he took. Rely on friends and family at this time and may God be with you.
Shared by gloria holland on 4/21/2022 3:30 PM
My sympathies Florine & family.
Shared by diane thompson on 4/21/2022 7:22 AM
To the Swanson family, We are so sorry to hear about your loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. With sympathy, Mike & Kay Owen
Shared by mike and kay owen on 4/21/2022 6:08 AM
Thinking of you, Florine, and the rest of the family. Love Jean
Shared by jean lindstrom on 4/21/2022 5:02 AM
May the memories shared in the coming days bring you joy amid the sadness of your loss.
Shared by kim grzywacz on 4/21/2022 5:01 AM